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F. Lawrence Street

F. Lawrence Street


Larry Street is a member of the Technology Transactions Practice that provides legal services in transactions, outsourcing and sourcing matters, contracts and negotiations involving technology, Internet, computers, software, municipal wireless networking, electronic commerce, licensing, distribution, intellectual property, copyrights, patents, medical devices, corporate finance, venture capital, energy licensing and development agreements.

Law of the Internet, written by Mr. Street and first published by Lexis Matthew Bender Publishing in 1997, is a comprehensive book that describes the current laws affecting participants in the Internet area. Mr. Street’s book, now in its 2012 edition is particularly useful for executives and in‑house counsel who are involved in the Internet area.

Mr. Street’s practice is focused primarily on complex contract transactions, outsourcing, privacy, computer and software law, electronic commerce, intellectual property, corporate finance, Internet law, municipal and government contracting, energy and utility transactions, and general corporate law and involves the representation of Internet wireless networking, e-commerce exchanges and portals, computer hardware and software companies, medical devices, and companies that are selling or purchasing technology, computer or Internet software, intellectual property or equipment. Mr. Street is an Emory Law School Adjunct Professor of Contract Drafting and he is a frequent speaker to technology and software associations and to many other groups as well as a contributor of articles concerning Internet, electronic commerce, computer software and technology law, municipal and government contracting, energy and utility transactions, and other areas of the law.