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Dan Weede - Recognizing Philanthropy: Raising the Rails on Path400


Atlanta (March 27, 2024) - Livable Buckhead has set in motion a fundraiser, making our PATH400 even more secure and robust. PATH400 is a valuable gem connecting people in a sustainable innovative way. Raising the Rails campaign is an opportunity for residents and businesses to contribute to providing maximum safety for anyone using the raised trail over Mountain Way Common. Livable Buckhead is invested in community well-being, contributing $50,000, half of the amount needed once the other half has been donated. The Raising the Rails Series will recognize and celebrate philanthropic-minded individuals committed to the betterment and safety of our neighborhoods.

Dan Weede has been an advocate for the safety of Mountain Way Common since the vicious attack of a female jogger in 2008. After contacting his neighbor Jane Moss and organizing several clean-ups, the neighborhood became involved in supporting the endeavor over time. Weede’s philanthropic philosophy of ‘paying it forward’ fosters a moral obligation to invest in ambitious community projects. His basic principle of recognizing ‘everything we value in our community and improves our lives today is a result of some donation, sacrifice or idea advanced by some person or group (usually) long ago’ cultivates transformation for a resilient future.

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